Mississauga Chinese Alliance Church

MCAC is a faith community which glorifies God by becoming seeker friendly, passionate in discipling believers, caring towards the community and zealous in missions.


MCAC 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The AGM will be held in the Sanctuary at 1:15pm on Sunday, March 16. A pizza lunch will be provided. Please pre-register at: https://bit.ly/3CSWjsm. For more information, including the Agenda and the Elders Nominating Committee, visit the Upcoming Events page.



We are hiring!

Click here to learn more about our Mandarin Ministry Assistant Pastor, Summer Youth Camp Counsellor, and Children Camp Counsellor job opportunities.



MCAC Core Values

What are our core values? Click here to learn more.




Sunday Service Times

In addition to in-person Sunday services, each ministry has their own Facebook page and YouTube channel where you can access their service live stream and find latest updates.

English Ministry
9:30am to 10:15am
Facebook | YouTube

Children Ministry
9:30am to 10:30am
11:15am to 12:30pm

Cantonese Ministry
11:15am to 12:15pm
Facebook | YouTube

Mandarin Ministry
9:30am to 10:30am
Facebook | YouTube



Donate Online with Interac e-Transfer: 

To reduce the Credit Card Service Charge, donate with Interac e-Transfer at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Please enter the MCAC Offering Account Number and the fund allocation in the 'Message' field: General (G), Mission (M), Benevolent (B), Property (P), Short-term Mission (STM), Alpha (A). E.g. JD0100, G:200, M:100, P:100. Please call the church office if you do not know your Offering Account Number. For details, please see: How to Donate with Interac e-Transfer

Donate with Credit Card: https://mcac.churchcenter.com/home

Opt-in to Receive Electronic Offering Records and Year-End Donation Tax Receipt: 

If you want to receive the periodic updates of your offering record and the year-end donation tax receipt via email, please fill out:The Consent to Use Electronic Communication Form



Looking for fun, meaningful, and engaging summer plans? Check out our upcoming children summer camps.

Join Our Children Clubs!

Many exciting clubs for your children to join where they can learn about God, play with other kids, and well... just be kids!

Seeking God

Come join us after service to learn about discipleship, serving with spiritual gifts, evangelism and missions.

Join a Fellowship

Our church always welcomes newcomers, new believers and those who still have questions.

© 2021 Mississauga Chinese Alliance Church.